Osita, a 9 year old terrier mix dog, came into Colorado Veterinary Specialists/Animal ER, in Littleton CO in need of emergency surgery. She had developed an inguinal hernia, a protrusion of abdominal contents through an opening in the body wall. Over the last 3 days Ostia had become increasingly sick. She was not eating or drinking, and was vomiting. There was concern that some of her intestine had become trapped within the hernia. Despite feeling so poorly, Osita was extremely affectionate and sweet in the clinic.
Osita was rushed into emergency surgery. The surgeon, Dr. Lewis, found a section of the small intestine trapped within the hernia. The blood supply going to the trapped piece of intestine had been blocked off for some time, causing the trapped bowel to become devitalized. Dr. Lewis had to remove this section of dying intestine. The hole in the abdominal wall was closed in order to prevent another hernia from developing in the future.
Osita recovered remarkably well. She began eating the next day and was walking outside too! Osita has since made a full recovery and was reunited with her family 2 days after her life-saving surgery.